Friday, July 20, 2012

Easily Amused

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Happy Friday you all...
Just some fun to take you into the weekend.  

A friend sent this to me because she knows how graceful awkward I am.
This could not be truer!

Now, in case you didn't get enough of my Call Me, Maybe (worst singing ever)-
Two Call Me, Maybe videos worth watching:
The top a shout out to our men & women in uniform (thank you for all you do)
The bottom an AMAZING Cookie Monster version. Who doesn't love cookies?
What song is constantly stuck in your head right now?
Would you call me, maybe?


  1. LOL!!!! I LOVE those plank photos! I look like that too lol!!!

  2. I sing this song all day, well actually just a few lines of it. My 7 and 10 year old <3 LOVE this song! It's driving me batty! Like the pics! too funny!

    1. I have been repeating over and over, "You got cookie? Share it maybe?" I cannot stop and I have no kids to blame it on.

  3. Awesome! The plank photo is exactly how I feel and look too! haha.

    1. At lease we are doing it though. Baby steps

  4. I've been all about planks lately... and I'm sure that could be my self portrait haha! I shamelessly workout to that song haha it's a guilty pleasure!

    1. I'm trying to do a plank a day in hopes it improves, fingers crossed.
      I am totally with you. Such the guilty pleasure song.

  5. I LOVE that Cookie Monster version. I've watched it a billion times!

    1. Me too! I just took a long car ride and made my passenger play it multiple times. Not sure if she was as excited as I was.

  6. Bahahahahaha! I was laughing sooo hard at these! Love love love! Thanks for sharing and I will officially NEVER get that song out of my head now :)

    1. Seriously... my entire weekend I've been walking around singing - "Chocolate pudding, it don't phase me. You got cookie! Share it, maybe?" In a fake cookie monster accent.

  7. You're hilarious. That's all!

    1. I am waiting, hoping, praying I catch one of my friends eating a cookie so I can sing this in my best cookie monster voice, I have no shame, this song is incredible!
      Too bad I'm usually the one with the cookies, and not good about sharing;)

  8. I love that pic! I am 100% positive the bottom pic is what I look like when attempting a plank!

    The song I cannot get out of my head at the moment is "Soft Kitty" from Big Bang Theory!!! I'm seriously walking around that house "soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur..." SO MUCH that my son is literally begging me to stop singing it!

    1. Oh, I am for sure the bottom picture too, but my theory is if we are doing it we will improve, so I keep trying.
      Too funny that your son has to ask you to stop singing.

  9. I almost died watching the Cookie Monster version of the song.. amazing! Haha only problem is I now have "But you got COOKIE! So share it maybe!" stuck in my head ;)

    1. It will never leave you head. Sorry. I speak from experience - went on a hiking trip this weekend and sang that same line for the entire trip (everyone loved me).

  10. LOVE the plank pic (& totally gonna steal it)! :)

    I tried so hard not to like that song...and failed. ;) Right now it is stuck in my head, alternating between the original and the Cookie Monster version. lol

    1. Steal away.
      I am loving cookie monster right now:)


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