Thursday, July 26, 2012

Your Opinion Needed - Participation Welcome

Check it out - A little request/challenge/question in honor of my 3 month blogiversary.
I know.  Can you believe it has already been 3 months?  Doesn't feel like very long and somedays I have to remind myself to calm down a bit as I am still brand new and figuring all this out.  (I know some of you are thinking dear heavens it seems like she's been around forever, nope, just feels that way because I never stop talking.)  
Recently I was lucky enough to have a Google+ hangout (think Skype) with the fabulous, sweet, and super helpful Bex from Bex Life.  We talked about blogging and I being the newbie asked a million questions about...well... EVERYTHING!  Luckily she was wonderful about it because most people probably would have hung up on confused newbie blogger me.  While answering countless questions she also suggested lots of ideas.  One idea I found very cool was an idea for a blog she had gotten at a conference, done herself, and then suggested I could do.
The idea - Pop this question to your readers:
What do you all think my blog is about?
Then I can see if I am putting the right vibes, info, etc. out there.  
Like if you answer a whiny girl complaining about her injury - I know to dial it down a bit with the poor pitiful me junk (trying to - stupid hamstring).  
Or if you say someone who is addicted to sweets - I know to up the fitness part to make it match the food part.
Or if you say a lady who is way too obsessed with her nephew - I think get over it, cutest baby ever!
So basically it's like doctor's visit time and this is my 3 month blog checkup.  Am I on the right track?  I need your diagnosis.  
What do you all think my blog is about?
Please comment and let me know.  Thanks:)


  1. I see your blog as a life blog. You blog about running, fitness, food and just life. I love that sort of thing.

  2. Omg that baby is ADORABLE, more of him won't offend me! But for real, I think that your blog is you. It's real, it's honest, which is what I want in something I'm going to read. You talk about injuries, which are real, but good runs are real and so is food :)

    1. I think he is pretty crazy cute too and I am only the aunt. Thanks. I think I am going to try to remember to add all the real in. Good, bad, ugly, ate an entire box of cookies, etc.

  3. I think it is all about your too-cute nephew. But that is not a problem.

    1. That's because he is your adorable grandson. You wish it was all about him:)

  4. A healthy living blog....running, fitness, eating....etc! Love it!

  5. I think life with an emphasis on fitness and health :)

  6. I think you're doing a great job, you blog about you! Your life and your interests and that's what's so cool about blogging...most people tell their own stories and somehow they are all interesting!

  7. I think your blog is about inspiring not only yourself to keep going, but others too! I awarded you the Liebster Blogger Award for being such an inspiration to so many people! See my blog for the details, but don't feel that you have to do it, but can if you want! I just wanted to let you know what an inspiration you are :)

    1. Thanks. I feel honored that your think I am inspiring people, if I help to motivate at least 1 person along the way it is worth it.
      Check out my answers here:

  8. I think your blog is all about encouraging others in their fitness journey and also telling us about your journey! I LOVE it and you!!!

    1. Thanks Mindy. I am so glad I met you through the blogging/Twitter world.

  9. Oh my goodness, your nephew is cuteness incarnate! I think your blog is just a collection of things that you experience as a runner and in your life outside of being a runner. Don't worry about whining about your bum hamstring--we've all had injuries and they suck and it's okay to be upset that you're injured. :)

    1. Thanks Beth. I have decided, as much as I hate it, to take F - M off in order to let it heal a bit more. Better for the marathon in the long run.

  10. I think your blog is about your journey, and I don't think more is needed. i enjoy reading it!

    1. hank you so much. Great to get the feedback.

  11. Like everyone else, I adore your blog, and you don't need to change a thing. But that's not why you posted this, so I'll TRY and be helpful, and hopefully one day you can do the same for me!

    I would love:

    - To know more about your mission - where are you headed? Some days it's food, some days it's a marathon, some days it's to be an ambassador. What are your main goals other than to get fit again and lead a healthier lifestyle?

    (and I feel soooo hypocritical writing this - I'm going to try and take this on board for me too!)

    - To hear more about your injury, actually :-P. You don't have to whinge, but I'd love to know where you're at, whether it's really getting you down, whether you're getting some professional help and whether it's something you've had to deal with before

    - To know more about the people around you (without necessarily names or photos). When you went trail hiking/running you said 'we', but I couldn't tell if it was friend(s)/family/random(s)?!

    We want to know you - 'cause you're awesome.

    1. Thanks Kate. It's fabulous to hear what readers want. I am taking notes on all of this.
      Planning all this out in my head already.
      FYI - My day trip to the Asheville Mts. was with T, who is my very patient marathon training partner. She and I ran hills first, she loves hills & I whine and hate them, then did the hiking. Then had lunch at a local veggie place downtown where I proceeded to through my iced tea in my lap. Wet, cold, burrrr...

  12. I just started reading the other day actually- I subscribed because you're in Charleston and I just moved here but it looks like we have a lot in common. I love how you focus on running and a healthy lifestyle. But, regardless of the feedback you get, it's your blog and it can be whatever you want it to be, plus it'll evolve as your life changes too.

    Your nephew is super cute :). I don't think anyone would mind reading and seeing more of him!

    Amy Lauren

    1. I have been in Charleston for about 8 year nos so if there is ever anything I can help you with let me know.
      Thanks for the Jackson compliment. I think he is super cute too:)


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