Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I have to admit that I've been in a bit of a running funk lately.  Ever since my amazing run 10 days ago things have been pretty blah.  I'm feeling slow, tired, and sore and not bouncing back from my many months off as quickly as I wanted to.  Don't get me wrong I've never been a fast runner, I will never win a race, or even my age group, but I was doing well for me and now I am really struggling.  I guess it is also frustrating because I love running, but I know I'll never be that amazing at it.  
Well after too many negative thoughts bouncing around in my head the last couple runs it is time to snap out of it.  I need to remind myself of how far I have come. Just a little while ago I was in plus sized clothing, 25 pounds heavier, unhappy, and unable to exercise much - now even if I am doing it slowly I am training for a marathon.  I have made so much progress.  I need to remind myself to snap out of it, stop thinking negative on my runs, and get my butt in gear even harder than before.  
Runner's World Summer Run Streak - 
Day 30  = 4.5 miles (+ spin class)
Total Miles Run = 121

LosingAMarathon Weight Loss Challenge -
Stayed right on my calorie goal both yesterday and today.  Wonder... If I worked to get myself used to it could I eat less than 1,600 calories a day without being a raving, angry lunatic.  Hmmm....

My question to you -
Do you track your food?  Do weight watchers?  Count calories?  Let me know what works for you.  I am always looking for ideas.  


  1. I stumbled onto you and your blog space through #fitblog tonight and I can relate to what you're feeling. It's hard to get out of the funk when it hits and your feeling sluggish. But it comes back! I just re-joined WW last week (I did it in 2010 and reached my goal) to lose the weight I gained back the last two marathon training cycles, hopefully tracking my food will help me reach my desired race weight.

    1. I'm trying to track and train. I gained during my first Marathon. Yikes!
      I've been Googling a lot of WW recipes online.
      Glad you found my blog & hope you enjoy it:)

  2. I use www.LoseIt.com to track my calories. It really worked last fall, and I dropped 13 pounds in 3 months before my first half. Then I gained 10 back over my month break, so trying to get back on that:/

    I feel the running funk. I'm supposed to be training for my half in 3.5 weeks, but I'm lucky to get in 3 runs a week, so yeah...I'm blaming the weather, but it just hasn't been as fun lately. Hope we drop the funk soon!

    PS - I think the best way to beat it is just to never stop!

    1. I'm trying to track calories too. I'll hope it works. Wow does this funk suck. But I think you are right, we just have to plow through. Good luck on training for your half.

  3. I LOVE your message! Every success deserves praise! Remember that its not necessarily about how many calories you're eating, its about where the calories are coming from! Carbs vs. protein vs. fat all tell your body to do different things whether it be "store fat" or "use fat" so pay more attention to what you're eating instead of how much you're eating!

    1. You're right it is about where it comes from and I need to focus on having more protein to keep me full.

  4. I like that instead of getting into a proper funk, you acknowledge the funk and then look for motivation. That's totally awesome in itself!

    Counting calories works, but it's too easy to get obsessed. Good luck! I'm sure there are people who will have some great ideas for you.

    1. Thanks. I figure by talking about it I can move on.

  5. I love this post. It's so honest and relatable and I know exactly what you mean. I think you need to step back and applaud yourself for even taking the initiative to get up and run in the first place. Each day you get up, put on your sneakers, and take that first step you should be proud of yourself, because it's always the hardest. You can do it!!

    1. Thanks Chelsea. I am trying to remind myself of that everyday.

  6. I get into funks about running too, so you're not alone! Sometimes I have to take a break from it otherwise I start to resent it.
    I did WW to lose weight and found it worked really well for me up until last summer. While I kept following the program, I started putting on weight and I can't shake it. I also started counting calories and was not overeating, but still putting on some weight. I'm about 10lbs over goal right now - not a big deal but slightly annoying since I work out and eat really well but can't get rid of it. Part of the problem was realizing I have food intolerances and I'm slowly getting a handle on that.
    I'm going to be trying intuitive eating now to see how that goes along with following the principles of the Eat Clean Diet. I learned a lot from WW about how to make healthy food choices, controlling portion size, etc. but instead of tracking points, I'm putting that information to use in a different way.
    Sometimes it takes a bit of experimenting to find what works well for you.

    1. What are you doing for the intuitive eating?

  7. I love that first quote! I haven't been following your blog until just recently, but I'm noticing that you're doing the running streak. Do you think that could be the cause of the funk, the feeling if sluggishness? I know that if I run too many days in a row, it starts to really not be much fun. Just a thought is all.

    1. I'm thinking you are probably right. I am going to take a day off post streak and also work in some barre classes for something different (just got a Groupon).

  8. I've been doing Weight Watchers for 2 years and love it. I've lost 186 pounds and have learned so much about portion size, cooking healthier options and trying new things. I definitely crave seasonal fruits and vegetables more now than I have in my whole life!

    1. That is awesome. What an amazing accomplishment. I'm working really hard on making better food decisions.


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