Sunday, May 20, 2012


Finished a nice little 8 mile run this morning.  After my run yesterday I was still feeling pretty on top of the world.  However, my weekly mileage is way lower than I wanted.  I did pick up some speed this week (woohoo!), but I also had to take an extra rest day to get myself going again (well two extra if you count that failed run turned walk Weds.)  
Oh well, you win some you lose some.  I'm just happy to be back out and moving again.  In truth isn't that the most important part though, doesn't matter how much you do, doesn't matter how fast you do it, just do it (wow, totally sounded like a Nike ad there, unintentional).

One of the reasons I was able to get a nice run in was because I started out early before it got too hot.  This is probably because when I left the wedding I was at last night I was sure it was well after 11:00.  However, when I got in my car… 9:30.  Yep, that is how I roll - Tired and totally happiest being in bed well before midnight on a Saturday night.  It's amazing, you should try it!

It was an absolutely beautiful wedding though, right on the beach, at a resort way too ritzy for the likes of me.
A SC sunset to die for.
The Beautiful Boardwalk (with my cheapo camera)
Wild Dunes Boardwalk Hotel
Surprised they let me in?  Guess it is because I changed out of my running clothes for the only time this weekend (who are we kidding I live in them every weekend) to attend.  
Shoes that don't have laces... sometimes even I forget I own them.
These are not workout clothes or my typical teacher attire (slacks, a t-shit/sweater, and ballet flats).
This only happens on super rare occasions.
It may be a long time before this version of me is seen in public again.
Look while you can.  
The True Battle of the Bulge.
As you can see from the picture above I am way smaller on top, but curve out a lot with some hips & thighs.
I am fine with that... I love my legs!  They just ran a marathon, they are pretty much the coolest part of me.
However, my Spanx obviously did not like my big ol' runner's legs.
Those babies were trying to explode off and squeezing my quads like stuffed sausages.

The couple are so perfect together and looked so happy, makes me smile just to be around love like that.  
Couldn't get any pictures of the gorgeous bride without feeling like paparazzi, so instead you'll have to survive with pictures of me.  Haha. 

Really why does my hair only cooperate at 2 times?
When I am about to go for a run or when I am crawling into bed...
Otherwise it looks like I'm Livin' on a Prayer.

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